Earn money from your attefall house via rentals!
Many people need somewhere to live, especially in larger cities. By renting out your house, you have the opportunity to earn a lot of extra money.
Husverket has compared advertisements from various online websites that mediate rentals between private individuals. We found that the rent for a furnished 25m² attefallshus in a suburb of Stockholm is between SEK 8,500 and 12,000 per month. If you rent out your attefallshus, there is thus a good opportunity to get quite a good cash flow considering the favorable prices for the construction of the house.After March 1, 2020, it has been decided that an attefallshus of 30m² may be built as a complementary dwelling only through a building notification. This allows you to take higher income when renting out and is a great investment for you to increase the value of your property! When renting out, any surplus from rental income needs to be declared as capital income. However, in the case of detached houses, a deduction of 20 percent of the rental income is made, in addition to the standard deduction of SEK 40,000. This means that if you receive income of less than SEK 50,000, no tax needs to be paid.
- Good to know when you are building an attached house
When an attached house is used as an independent dwelling, it is called an accessory dwelling. In this case, the building must meet the same requirements as a normal residential building. - On January 15, 2020, the government decided to increase the maximum size of an attefallshus to 30m² for those classified as a complementary dwelling. Otherwise, the requirement is that the attefall house must be a maximum of 25m² and 4 meters up to the roof ridge. If more houses are built, they must not be larger than 25m² together.
- A building permit is not necessary if the house is built 4.5 meters from the property line, otherwise permission from the neighbor is required. However, you will need to make a notification to the building committee in your municipality, after which you will need a start notice to begin construction.
- Check with your neighbors anyway! According to a recent ruling by the Land and Environment Court, neighbors and nearby residents have the right to judicial review when it comes to construction projects that may negatively affect their visibility.
Get started with the process, start looking at all the attefall houses here!
Sources: Blocket.se, Trovit.se, Viivilla.se, Skatteverket.se, Boverket.se READ MORE: Guide: Creating space on the plot with a shed