Husverket has been named DI GASELL two years in a row!

We are incredibly happy and above all proud of this fine award, which was also evaluated during the toughest years for the construction industry. The evaluation is made on the last four financial years and about 1% manage to get this award. Read more about the award below.

Every year, Dagens Industri selects the fastest growing and most successful companies in Sweden and makes sure they are recognized for their hard work and success. The evaluation is based on the last four financial years and about 1% (a few hundred companies) manage to get this award. The purpose of Di Gasell is to celebrate and support Swedish business and entrepreneurs. Through the Gazelle Award, it motivates more people to dare to invest to grow, inspire entrepreneurs and highlight good role models.


We are incredibly happy and above all proud to be named a Gazelle company for the second year in a row. Managing to adapt to the extraordinary market with extreme price increases, constantly changing raw material/energy prices, material shortages and a world in chaos has not been easy. Great sacrifices and commitment from all our employees have been required. We would like to thank all our professional groups within Husverket for a fantastic effort. Without you, it would not have been possible.


The motivation from Dagens Industri reads.


Husverket meets all the high standards of a Gazelle company! We at Dagens Industri think this makes you some of Sweden's heroes. You have built one of Sweden's fastest growing and most profitable companies. You create jobs for people, you drive growth for Sweden and you inspire others to follow in your footsteps.


With these accolades, we will continue our journey forward and expand the range of new interesting house collections to satisfy even more house dreams.

We also see strong growth in new segments and markets where smart building concepts and customer-friendly packages will be offered in Sweden, but also for export to other countries.


Our goal is to be the market-leading supplier of turnkey houses throughout Europe within the next few years.

We say a big thank you to Dagens Industri for the great award, all the employees and contractors who have made it possible and finally a big thank you to our wonderful customers for the trust.


We promise to constantly evolve and improve the customer experience.

created:October 7, 2022

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Årets bästa sommardeal!

Beställ ett hus idag och få 10% rabatt på hela huspriset!

Vid köp av ett Attefallshus eller Fritidshus under juni månad tillsammans med ett entreprenadspaket får du hela 10% rabatt på huspriset!

I would like to take advantage of this offer (registration of interest is not binding).