Questions and answers

There is a lot to consider when building a new house and there are a lot of rules that you should know before you decide what type of house you want to build. We have listed some of the most common questions and some general rules and conditions that apply to different types of houses.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us at and we will help you.

Temporary house

Many people forget that an attefall house can affect the water and electricity network on the property. Although you may think that the house will not burden these installations, the authorities and laws have other opinions. In this article, we discuss how you can manage water and electricity when planning to build an attefall house on your property, to avoid problems and comply with all regulations and requirements.

Authorities and laws plan for future needs when assessing neighborhoods and detailed plans. Therefore, the requirements for water and electricity installations have been set to cope with a more advanced society than we have today.

When it comes to sewage, there are different options depending on whether you have your own water system, a shared water system with neighbors or a community, or whether you are connected to the municipality's water system. In either case, you must comply with the requirements set by the authorities.

If you have your own sewage system, you are responsible for the sewage and must ensure that your system meets current requirements. You may need to apply for a permit to connect an attefallshus to your system. If you have a shared sewage system with your neighbors, you may need the permission of the chairman or the board of directors to connect an attefallshus. If you are connected to the municipal water system, the municipality will assess how the new building will be handled. There may also be extra charges or assessments to take into account.

In the case of the electricity network, it is the responsibility of the network owner, such as Vattenfall or EON, to manage all electricity. You need to check whether your existing main fuses have enough capacity to supply electricity to another building. If they don't, you can easily upgrade them before or after the attefall house is built.

It is important to remember that notifications and permits for water and sewage, as well as electricity, are separate from building notifications and building permits. You must submit separate applications for these installations.

You can initially proceed in two ways. Either you contact us by phone or an expression of interest, and a project manager will contact you to arrange an initial meeting. If you have already found a model, you can start building it in our online construction tool. When you complete your build online, you will receive a price directly on the screen based on your choices and your contact details will be sent to us and a project manager will call you to arrange a meeting. We offer viewings with existing customers but you are also invited to our office in Farsta center, where we also have our viewing houses. You get the opportunity to experience our high quality of raw materials and interior choices in reality. You have a meeting with the seller who goes through your needs and conditions on the plot. After the meeting, you will receive a compiled and detailed quote that takes into account lifting and transportation conditions on your plot. If everything feels good, you go ahead and sign the contract for the purchase. After this, you are always in good hands with the project manager and administrator.

An attefallshus is a detached building that is usually used as an addition to an existing main building on a plot of land. Accessory buildings are not regulated by detailed plans, but by the Accessory Building Regulations. These were introduced to create a simpler process for building smaller homes and ancillary buildings. An attefallshus may have a maximum building area of 30 square meters, a roof pitch not exceeding 4 meters and be placed at least 4.5 meters from the plot boundary. If your neighbor gives his written consent, it is possible to place an attefallshus closer than 4.5 meters from your plot boundary.

There are two main categories of buildings that can be constructed as an accessory building, a secondary residence and a secondary building. An accessory building is an independent dwelling intended for permanent residence. To be able to use the house as a year-round dwelling, the attefall house must comply with the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's guidelines for supplementary dwellings. This means that the attefall house must meet the same requirements for safety, insulation, construction, energy values, accessibility requirements and ventilation as a residential building. Supplementary building is a building that is not used as a permanent residence. It can be, for example, a garage, a guest house or a storage room.

Yes, as long as it is located 4.5 meters from the property line. If you want to place the house closer than 4.5 m, you need the consent of the adjacent neighbor. Does your neighbor happen to be municipal land? Then the minimum distance of 4.5 meters applies.

Yes, however, the accessory building requires planning permission and is counted as the main building on the plot. It is possible to convert the house from a main building to a supplementary dwelling/attached house when you want to build a larger main building on the plot at a later stage. There are several different variants, please consult us if you have any questions.

Yes, we have developed several models with a basement or basement floor. Here it is important to make a careful assessment and calculation on the plot to choose the right house and solution based on the conditions of the plot. This is a very smart way to make maximum use of the rules on attefallshus and to optimize the living space. A 30 sqm attefall house with a top floor or basement suddenly becomes twice as large, about 60 m2. Contact us for more information. You can take a closer look at our models here.
Holiday home

You can initially proceed in two ways. Either you contact us by phone or an expression of interest, and a project manager will contact you to arrange an initial meeting. If you have already found a model, you can start building it in our online construction tool. When you complete your build online, you will receive a price directly on the screen based on your choices and your contact details will be sent to us and a project manager will call you to arrange a meeting. We offer viewings with existing customers but you are also invited to our office in Farsta center, where we also have our viewing houses. You get the opportunity to experience our high quality of raw materials and interior choices in reality. You have a meeting with the seller who goes through your needs and conditions on the plot. After the meeting, you will receive a compiled and detailed quote that takes into account lifting and transportation conditions on your plot. If everything feels good, you go ahead and sign the contract for the purchase. After this, you are always in good hands with the project manager and administrator.

Yes, we have developed several smaller models with basements and penthouses. The models can be scaled up and adapted to your needs and wishes. Here it is important to make a careful assessment and calculation on the plot to choose the right house and solution. Contact us for more information.

There is not much difference in the building regulations for a permanent residence and a holiday home. However, there are some differences in accessibility, energy and space requirements. Energy requirements are lower in a holiday home, so it is possible to influence the architecture without having to take too much account of energy requirements. In terms of space, for example, you don't have to have a certain size of kitchen for it to be approved. There are also no requirements for accessibility and accessibility adaptations in a holiday home. This means that you can choose to have a smaller bathroom or bedroom than what is allowed for houses used as permanent accommodation.

A holiday home is usually used for temporary stays and not as a permanent residence. Many people use them as summer cottages or places to spend weekends and vacations. They can vary greatly in style and comfort, from simple cottages to luxurious holiday villas.


Our price includes a variety of options and offers to suit your needs and wishes. We offer modular or prefabricated building elements, as well as turnkey modules. You also have the option to choose from several different floor plans depending on how you want to use your detached house.

Transportation to Stockholm and Karlshamn is already included in the house price. After that, the cost of transportation to your plot is added, which is included when you sign an agreement with us. When buying a turnkey design or a modular climate shell, the assembly of the house on the foundation and a standard lift of the shed from the trailer are also included. If you choose to use prefabricated building elements, these are delivered to the plot boundary. The coordination and cost of lifting and assembling the house is then taken care of by you as a customer or a third party.

Our house can be delivered completely finished externally as a finished module or as prefabricated building elements. In both cases, the module/building elements are insulated and the interior walls are prepared according to the model and floor plan you have chosen. You, the customer, are responsible for the electrical and plumbing installations and the interior finishing. If you choose our turnkey solution, the house will be turnkey both externally and internally. If you add any of our contracting packages, you can also get a total solution where we take responsibility for the entire process.

Our price includes a variety of options to create a customized solution for you. We simplify the process by offering transportation and installation services, as well as the possibility to choose from different ready-made designs. We strive to give you as a customer the best possible experience and we can also offer total solutions to make things easier for you. Welcome to us to create your dream storage room or detached house!

Yes, it is possible.

Yes, it is. It is possible to have both a bathroom and a kitchen.

Yes, you can build one or more detached houses. However, the total building area of all detached houses on the plot must not exceed 15 m2. The maximum height from the ground to the roof ridge must not exceed 3 m.

A detached house is a building that can be erected on a plot without either a building permit or a building notification. A detached house may be a maximum of 15 m2 in building area and a maximum of 3 meters to the roof ridge. The shed must be located on a plot where there is a detached or semi-detached house. Furthermore, the shelter must be detached and may not be built together with another building. If you want to place the mobile home closer than 4.5 meters from the plot boundary, the neighbor must give his consent. The shed may be placed on marked land and is not included in the area of your plot that may be built on.


If the size of the house model you want is not available, we are happy to produce a larger house for you. We have previously customized several houses for our customers and it is no problem to take an existing model and make it on a larger scale. Contact us and tell us what you want and together we can develop a house according to your requirements for size and other wishes.

We offer three different contracting packages for our modular houses, adapted to your wishes and level of commitment. You can choose from the following types of contracts:

The installation package.

This package includes:

  • Managing the municipal process of building permits or building notifications.
  •  We carry out crane and transportation checks, and project manage and coordinate the transportation and crane lift to get the house in place.
  • The assembly and completion of the house by our own carpenters.
  • Final check of the house with our supervisor
  • We are responsible for contracting services such as HVAC connection, functional testing and heating cable installation. Electrical connection and insulation test according to the guidelines of the Electrical Safety Authority are also included in the package.
Large contracting package. 

This package includes:

  • Managing the municipal process of building permits or building notifications.
  • We carry out crane and transportation checks, and project manage and coordinate the transportation and crane lift to get the house in place.
  • One of our contracting partners for groundwork makes a site visit and the planning for pipes, culverts and groundwork for water, sewage and electricity is done. In close connection with the house delivery, this work takes place where the other groundwork is also carried out. It includes a graveled and compacted surface where the house foundation will be placed and the construction of the foundation type ordered according to the agreement.
  • We are responsible for contracting services such as HVAC connection, functional testing and heating cable installation. Electrical connection and insulation test according to the guidelines of the Electrical Safety Authority are also included in the package.
  • Our carpenters will complete and install all the details of the house, and liability insurance and a final inspection by a certified inspector are also included as standard in this large construction package.
Large construction package - Fixed price. 

This package includes:

  • Large construction package as described above
  • Fixed and secured price for house delivery
  • Currency insurance
  • Completion and new construction insurance
In order to get a price for this package, a full investigation is required where we make site visits and collect quotes and compile everything into a final quote. Our experience is that it takes more time and effort than you might think to run, project manage and coordinate your construction project with contracts and works yourself. Even if you have initially decided to be responsible for certain parts yourself, it is of course possible to have a dialog with us further into the process if you change your mind. Most of our customers choose the Large Construction Package and if you want to be 100% sure of the cost, you choose a fixed price. In our service byggonline you can choose which contract package you want.

You can choose to add to all packages. 

  • Garbo insurance that insures your deposit until the house is delivered.

All our houses are delivered primed once and finished twice.

Yes, it's optional and you can choose your own tiles to suit your taste.

Absolutely! Some of our holiday homes already have a sauna in their floor plans. If you choose a house with a floor plan without a sauna, we can always redraw the floor plan and add a sauna.

All our houses include electric radiators. If you want more comfort heating/cooling, you should choose an air source heat pump. If you are building a holiday home and intend to use it for permanent living or living more than 4 months in a year, the energy requirements are different. Then you need to choose an exhaust air heat pump with waterborne radiators or waterborne floor heating.

It is possible to mirror a floor plan. You pay nothing extra for it. The option to mirror your chosen floor plan is already included in our options.

We have floor plans suitable for all kinds of purposes. If none of our models suit you, it is possible to have the house completely architect-designed and customized to your wishes. You can add or move windows and doors, customize the floor plan and the exterior as a whole. In addition to these possibilities, you can easily put your personal touch on the house with options from our wide range in our online building.
The municipal process

For a building permit, the municipality is required by law to give a decision within 10 weeks of all documents being complete. Often just ordering the new building map from the municipality can take up to 4 weeks. We usually recommend that you count on about 8-12 weeks from the start of the notification. For building permits, the lead times are longer and the municipality has up to 10 weeks to return with a decision or supplementary information. It can vary greatly in how long it takes to get a start notice for a building permit, all depending on the complexity of the case and how quickly or slowly your municipality handles its cases.

In most cases, when you apply for a permit, you will need to specify who will be the control officer for what you plan to do. The control officer will help draw up the control plan that the developer will then follow. The inspector must be a certified expert who is independent of the measure he or she is inspecting. You can find certified inspection officers on the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's website, It is usually the municipality's building permit officer who decides whether a control officer is needed in a case. If you are unsure, you can always contact your municipality for advice. If you want us to arrange a control officer for you, we can arrange it at a cost of SEK 13 995 - 24 995. The cost depends on the size of the house and the area.

The areas more or less covered by plots and buildings are generally regulated by a detailed plan. The purpose of the plan is to determine in advance what construction is possible in the area or property and how it may be built. The plans are legally binding and thus regulate which houses can be built on a plot of land with design guidelines. To find out more about your particular plot, we recommend that you contact your municipality and see what your detailed plan says. The detailed plan states how big you can build, heights and distances, etc. Then we can have a dialog about your project.

Only when you have received a final decision from the municipality can the house be put into use. This normally takes up to 4 weeks after the house has been delivered, the final inspection has been carried out and all papers have been submitted to the municipality. If the municipality has required an inspection manager, the final notification is handled by this person, otherwise by the responsible project manager.

For a building application, the municipality is required by law to give a decision within 4 weeks of all documents being complete. Often just ordering the new building map from the municipality can take up to 4 weeks. We usually recommend that you count on about 8-12 weeks from the start of the notification. For building permits, the lead times are longer and the municipality has up to 10 weeks to return with a decision or supplementary information. It can vary greatly in how long it takes to get a start notice for a building permit, all depending on the complexity of the case and how quickly or slowly your municipality handles its cases.

The contract is terminated and we receive compensation for time spent. This corresponds to the sum of the down payment of SEK 30,000 for an attefall house and SEK 50,000 for a holiday home.

A new construction map is a document drawn up in connection with the construction or reconstruction of buildings and is part of the basis for the application for a building permit. The new construction map forms a basis for drawing up the site plan. The new construction map shows the exact location and dimensions of the property, as well as other information such as existing buildings, boundaries for building rights, water and sewage connection points, adjacent roads and streets, and elevations. The cadastral map is usually prepared by the municipality; the building committee is to some extent obliged to provide a cadastral map for a fee.

The price of the house already includes a cost of 15000:- for a crane, which usually covers the cost of a standard crane if no extra measures are needed. The project manager selling the house will make an initial assessment and inform you if it may be necessary to use a larger crane. We always send out a specialist crane company to do a thorough check and obtain an itemized quote for the crane lift in question. This cost will then be presented and explained by the project manager during the production meeting to ensure complete transparency.

Yes, our finished house modules are loaded onto a ferry together with a trailer and a crane that goes out to each island. We drive on by truck on the island and lift the house on site using the mobile crane. It is also possible to deliver to islands without roads but which can be reached from the sea. The ferry can handle a depth of 1.5 meters and often comes very close to the island to dock. In this scenario, the mobile crane follows the ferry and can lift up to 50 meters. We can also deliver the prefab house by helicopter and assemble the house on site. The cost of sea deliveries varies quite a lot depending on the location of the island, whether the plot can be accessed from the sea, transhipment, road conditions, etc. Usually it is still a good saving compared to a site-built house.

We work with several large crane companies that we send out on site visits. The crane company goes out to you and reviews the delivery route to you and what the lifting conditions look like on site. What they look at is where they can have their set-up area, how far it is from the center of the crane to the center of the house for the lift and this determines the crane size for the lift. If it is a difficult to access and narrow road, a transshipment truck may be needed. If the ground is soft on the plot or transport route, skid plates may be required. The crane company looks at the whole picture and presents us with an itemized quote.

Above is mentioned how the lifting possibilities are made and how you get a quote for this. Regarding transportation, the transportation cost is already calculated in your contract. In the same way as for the crane, we send a request for a site visit to our transporter who checks and ensures that delivery can be made all the way to the foundation of the house. The carrier also gives an assessment of whether or not a transshipment truck is required. Most often, this applies to sharp curves that the transport vehicle cannot handle with the house and then a transshipment needs to be made to a smaller truck or shed truck.

We often find solutions to deliver our houses, even to hard-to-reach places. There may be delivery restrictions in cases where there are hard-to-reach places for mobile cranes and transportation. This is usually the case when the roads are very narrow, the curves are very sharp and sometimes there is no access to the site at all. You may need to adapt the delivery method or the construction method, in which case we build in prefabricated elements instead of in modules, as prefabricated building elements can be delivered with narrower trucks. But you may also need to do additional land preparation than what is included in our packages, so that we can deliver the house. This is carefully reviewed with your project manager and site visits are made if necessary. We have long experience of delivering houses to all possible locations in Sweden and outside Sweden. Over the years, we have been tested in several varying challenges where most things have been solved, we prefer to see solutions rather than limitations. Do not hesitate to ask us if you are in doubt about your project, we solve most things.

The house comes pre-built and is transported on a truck with a trailer all the way from the factory, via ferry and to your site. The house is then lifted into place on the foundation with a crane.
Drawing package

Once the purchase has been completed, your order will be sent to us and a project manager will contact you to obtain further information to fulfill your order. Once your drawing package is completed, it will be sent to your specified email address within 10 working days.

Of course, you can always change your mind. If you want to buy the same house for which you have applied for a building permit/building notification, just contact your project manager who helped you with the drawing package and he will help you further. The first step is to produce a quote for the same exterior specification for which you have received a building permit and then you freely put your mark on the interior and get a price accordingly.

We offer three different drawing packages, no matter what your needs are, we have a package to suit you. The three different packages with contents are as follows: Standard package: Facade drawings. Floor plans. Attic drawings. Roof drawings. Sectional drawings. construction details Medium package: Facade drawings. Floor plans. Attic drawings. Ceiling drawings. Sectional drawings. construction details site plan Premium package: Facade drawings. Floor plans. Attic drawings. Roof drawings. Sectional drawings. construction details site plan energy calculation ventilation drawing draft inspection plan  

If the municipality requires a supplement in your case on any of the drawings that we have delivered to you, then our supplementation management is included for this. However, should the municipality require one or more completely new documents or drawings that are not included in the drawing package, you can contact your project manager who will help you produce what the municipality requires. There is a fixed cost for supplements to documents or drawings that were not originally included in the package you purchased.

You can quickly and easily place an order for the selected drawing package through Klarna Checkout and choose between paying the full amount directly or a 30-day invoice.
Other issues

We offer different construction packages where customers can choose what to include in their project to influence the price. There are also different options for finishing the house, where you can do some of the work yourself and thus reduce costs.

There are some factors that can affect the price from the time the contract is signed and require some controls. For example, tap cost, groundwork and developer costs. These costs are e.g. fees that the municipality decides on, connection fees, building permits, new building maps and costs for a quality manager. At the production meeting, all checks have usually been carried out and the building permit or building notification provides information on any additional costs required to build the house for which you have submitted a building permit/notification. 

We are very transparent and go through all possible extra costs at the time of signing the contract, so customers can include these in their budget. 

We have also developed a fixed price contracting package where everything is included to give our customers extra security.

Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can assess the possible risks of additional costs for your upcoming construction project.

With our payment plan, you can feel safe and secure throughout the buying process. We have structured the payment in four parts to give you flexibility and make it easier for you as a customer.

You first pay a deposit 10 days after signing the contract. This gives you time to familiarize yourself with the purchase and make sure you have made the right choice.

Once you have been granted a starting notice from the municipality and the production of your house is planned, 50% of the purchase price is paid. This is an important step and indicates that everything is on track and that your house is about to become a reality.

On the day of delivery, we must receive 45% of the purchase price. To avoid possible delays and additional costs, we recommend that you pay the delivery invoice a few days before delivery. 

Finally, after passing the final inspection and before you take possession of the house, you pay the last 5% of the purchase price. This is the last part of the payment and marks your official ownership of your new home.

To further secure your financial investment, we offer the possibility to take out an insurance policy through Garbo. This insurance covers the payments you have made before you get your house, giving you extra security and protection.

With our payment plan and our status as a stable and reliable housing provider, we want to give you the peace of mind and security you deserve. We are here to guide and support you throughout the buying process.

Depending on the house you choose, the delivery times for our turnkey houses vary. Below you can see the average delivery time for our turnkey house models:

- Shelter: about 10-14 weeks.

- Second home: about 16-24 weeks.

- Holiday homes: about 16-26 weeks.

Because delivery requires complex coordination between several different contractors, freight companies and crane companies, we cannot guarantee an exact delivery date until close to the time of delivery. At the start of production, we develop a preliminary delivery week, and as the delivery date approaches, we can provide more detailed information about the expected week and day of delivery.

If changes are made to our standard house models, if you order a customized house or if extra options are added, the delivery time may be longer than for our standard models.

We do our best to keep delivery times as short as possible, but there may be factors beyond our control that affect delivery times. For example, delays by our subcontractors or problems with shipping companies. We understand that not having an exact delivery date in advance can be frustrating, but we always strive to be as transparent as possible and keep our customers updated on any changes or delays that may occur during the delivery process.

With our payment plan, you can feel safe and secure throughout the buying process. We have structured the payment in four parts to give you flexibility and make it easier for you as a customer. First, you make a down payment 10 days after signing the agreement. This gives you time to familiarize yourself with the purchase and make sure you have made the right choice. Once the municipality has approved your application for start-up, and production of your house is planned, 50% of the purchase price is paid before production starts. This is an important step and marks that everything is on the right track and that your house is about to become reality. By the day of delivery, 45% of the total purchase price should be paid to us. To avoid possible late payment interest and additional costs due to late payment, we recommend that you pay the delivery invoice a few days before delivery. Finally, after the approved final inspection and before you take over the house, you pay the last 5% of the purchase price. This is the last part of the payment and marks that you are officially the owner of your new home.

Absolutely! We can provide quotes for most things in building and construction. Contact us and we can prepare a quote for groundwork together with our ground contractor. It is often cheaper as you avoid double establishment costs. This saves both money and time.

We always make an individual assessment based on your particular plot and its conditions. In general, we recommend an insulated foundation for attefall houses that need to maintain a maximum height of 4 meters from ground level. The advantages of an insulated foundation are many. It insulates the house better, which provides a more comfortable indoor climate, especially during the colder days of the year. For those who want to build the house on a rock but don't want to blast, a plinth foundation works. Our houses have a bottom floor with cembrit windstopper extreme board underneath to protect them from the weather and wind. We can also place our houses on ground plates according to a finished plinth plan for each house.

Staking out is done before construction begins and involves marking the location of the new building on the ground. In connection with the staking, the height is also marked, for example the height of the finished floor. To check that the measure has actually ended up in the intended place in terms of plan and height, a positional check is also made when the measure has been started or completed. It is always the developer who is responsible for ensuring that a measure ends up in the right place, whether or not a building permit or notification is required. Therefore, we always recommend that you choose to bring in a surveyor for this. In some cases, the municipality requires you to have it in order to build.

Your project manager checks the conditions via pictures and videos provided by you as a customer. For more complex projects or the slightest doubt that our ground work included in the contract is not enough, we send our ground contractor to visit your site. He will examine the conditions on the plot and, if necessary, he will propose measures and provide a quote for extra work.

Our production takes place in two factories that we own ourselves. We have a Swedish factory in Borlänge and a factory that has been in operation since our start and is located in Lithuania. This means that we have full insight into our production chain, which is controlled with a self-inspection program to ensure quality in all stages of production. All our houses are built according to Swedish building standards and regulations, so you can feel confident that your house is built to a high standard. Our factories employ around 120 people and have a production capacity of 25-30 houses each month.

Our roof structure can withstand a snow load of 2.5 kn/m2. If you do not know which zone your area has, you can search for the area you want to build the house in through this link: If higher snow load requirements are required on the roof than what we have as standard, we can easily arrange it for you. There will be an additional cost for extra reinforcement and dimensioning of the roof. Feel free to contact one of our project managers to get information about any price changes that may occur based on the snow load zone in your area.

Yes, the price can be influenced by the cost of shipping, local conditions and the price of construction work. If you have entered the municipality in which you are building on the website, you have already received the correct price for shipping and construction. The price may also vary depending on the snow load zone your area requires.

Yes, you can get up to the full amount financed through our partner Wasa Kredit. To have the entire cost of the house granted, two applicants without payment remarks with an annual income of at least SEK 160,000 each are required. You also need to have been resident in Sweden for at least 3 years at the time of the assessment. If you are the sole applicant, you can be granted a loan of up to SEK 400,000. We also have an established collaboration with SEB, which offers both mortgage advice and building credits. You as a customer will receive, from your house seller, a direct contact route to SEB and a feedback within 24 hours. Contact your house seller for more information and contact details. You only start paying interest costs on the day you start using the loan.

Can't find what you are looking for?

Contact us today and we will help you get started on your house project!

Årets bästa sommardeal!

Beställ ett hus idag och få 10% rabatt på hela huspriset!

Vid köp av ett Attefallshus eller Fritidshus under juni månad tillsammans med ett entreprenadspaket får du hela 10% rabatt på huspriset!

I would like to take advantage of this offer (registration of interest is not binding).

Årets bästa sommardeal!

Beställ ett hus idag och få 10% rabatt på hela huspriset!

Vid köp av ett Attefallshus eller Fritidshus under juni månad tillsammans med ett entreprenadspaket får du hela 10% rabatt på huspriset!

I would like to take advantage of this offer (registration of interest is not binding).